Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Meet Your Food What should every person know about the food they ingest

Warning some of the images in these videos are very graphic and disturbing but I feel it is a very important subject and people need to be aware of how their food is handled and what they are eating.

Meet Your Meat

Meet Your Milk Part 1

Meet Your Milk Part 2

Meet Your Milk Part 3

The Eyes Don't Lie

The Governments Dirty Little Secret About Meat

70% of ALL Beef and Chicken has been treated with Carbon Monoxide Gas. It makes meat look good even though it may have spoiled. The practice of treating meat with carbon monoxide gas could hide the growth of pathogens such as Clostridium Botulinum, Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7.

How many people have become poisoned by this chemical technique that creates a false appearance of freshness?

Why have we not been told about this chemically altered meat that we are eating and feeding our children? Our Government works on behalf of big business NOT for The People Of America!

The FDA approved the practice as safe for use when packaged in July 2004 in response to requests from two food companies. The EU prohibits food companies from using carbon monoxide.

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Massacre of Dolphins Cover Up! - Aug 29, 2008 ... These dolphins are killed to supply the meat trade, to suppress ... Japans dirty little secret.
Horse-Slaughter: America's Dirty Little Secret - Should horses be Slaughtered: America's Dirty Little Secret ... closed after a long court battle with the state over a 1949 law prohibiting the sale of horse meat. ...

The Dirty Little Secret between the FDA and Drug Industry Share

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