Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Grand Design-William Cooper

December 6, 07 edition of GSIJ. "The Grand Design Exposed". Tom Friess reads and discusses the Introduction and the first chapters of the book, "The Grand Design Exposed" by John Daniel. John Daniel exposes through Bible prophecy and hidden history the rise of the "Grand Design". The Grand Design, according to Daniel, is the New World Order. And the New World Order is a global government, a global financial system, and a global "Universal" religion over which the Pope, the Biblical Antichrist, reigns supreme and autonomous. Among many other startling revelations, Daniel's book describes the Jesuit influence in the founding of this nation and the global Papal hegemony that the U.S.A., the "False Prophet" of the book of Revelation, is forcing upon the whole world.

"Outrage-bogus divine retribution! Staged world wide! Hang on-it's coming. And yet, most people living in our world today have not the vaguest idea that shattering changes are about to take place that will disrupt every individual on planet earth. This is a very rare book-but its message is explicitly clear. It lays bare a bold design for world domination. It's about an alliance of extraordinary men. Brilliant men working secretly behind unsuspected covers. Patient men passing on their envisioned goal from one generation to another. This book ferrets out history that begs to be left unknown. These men represent the world's largest organization whose very name means global. They have an Occult agenda and an Occult timetable for launching their world chaos. Decipher their Occult symbols on the back of every American one dollar bill and within the city of Washington, D.C. and you'll find the clue. This book uncovers it all. However, the Sovereign God of the universe millenniums ago revealed to His people the two Occult powers that would unite for final world control. Then will 'begin' the greatest sorrows ever visited upon our blood stained earth. But take heart my friend, and stand firm for God's sacred truth. For it also 'signals' the imminent return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ who will vanquish His enemies and vindicate those He loves. This thought and hope brings joy to the hearts of those who are waiting and 'love His appearing,' and will sustain them through the bitter days ahead. The solemn mission of this book is to remove the deceptive smokescreen and expose Satan's masterpiece on earth so that you may turn tragedy into triumph and rise to meet the Lord in the air when He returns."

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